Most people think that employing a company who use high pressure single jet lance jet-washing machines to clean their drive or patio is a good idea. This is far from the truth, and looking around the internet you’d be forgiven to think this is the only way… But think again!
Don’t be fooled into thinking a man or woman with a unmarked scruffy pickup truck and a high power lance type jet-washer will come along and do an excellent cleaning job cheaply for you. Even some ‘Professional’ companies still use this outdated and aggressive method of driveway cleaning. So whats the problem?
Put simply, high pressure single lance jet washers are very messy and destructive. Not only can these machines destroy the delicate material between blocks or force their way into surface cracks, they can also disturb the sub-base under the surface causing the blocks or surface to move or sink. This damage normally results in the entire (or sections of) driveway or patio needing to be re-laid again in the future. The damage is often not noticed until the typically untrained and uncaring operators have long gone.
At Driveway Doctor we only use a rotary machine called a ‘Whirlaway’ … This machine also uses high pressure, but, the pressure is evenly distributed over a larger area so its still very effective at cleaning but without causing damage associated with a single jet device. The machine works by utilising multiple jets that rotate at high speed under a shielded cover. This results in a safe and controlled wash that not only removes stubborn dirt on the surface but gently removes weeds and debris from between the joints.
The Whirlaway is not only the best cleaning solution for block driveways, patios or pathways, it is also the the go-to machine for the cleaning of concrete, tarmac and resin bound surfaces too. It is capable of cleaning large areas without creating zebra striping or streaking (All to common with a single jet pressure machine). We provide the cleaning power with a efficient petrol powered pump and the machine glides smoothly over your surface using caster wheels leaving no marks at all.
A durable cover eliminates over-spray & damage to surrounding areas meaning plant borders and gravel stays in place. The Whirlaway reduces operator fatigue and increases productivity – saving you on labour costs. The machine can be used with hot or cold water dependent on the application and we’ll have your surface looking almost as good as the day it was laid. Contact us now for a quote, you wont be disappointed. No deposit and no payment required until you are 100% happy with our work.